Grown and processed in the South West, Western Australia

We grow and process macadamia nuts in our purpose built processing plant, and process for other growers within the South West.

Flavoured and natural macadamias are also available to purchase direct from the farm.

Our macadamias are available to wholesalers. We have several stockists throughout WA.

You'll find us at the Boyanup Farmers Markets, the fourth Sunday of each month.

  • Macadamias are a convenient and healthy snack that contain a host of essential daily nutrients. As a dairy-free source of plant protein, their abundant healthy fats promote a healthy heart and reduce the risk of heart disease. They are also super satisfying, keeping you fuller for longer, can help to maintain a healthy weight, and their fibre supports digestion and helps with good gut health, which we now know is a foundation of optimal mood and wellbeing.

    Macadamias can help you live your healthiest life!